Monday, November 14, 2011


Well today I have found two possible sources for free books to review. and While these won't be autographed obviously, they'll at least get me a good book to review and a few dollars for reselling the book afterwards. I hope to get a few book reviews under my belt and then start contacting some indie authors. Exciting! I've got two books on the way from each site.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Today is 11/11/11...hopefully an auspicious date to start!

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. What is this blog about? Well put it simply: to chronicle my efforts to start and fund college savings plans for my two kids. Anything I do in an attempt to make money will be recorded in this blog. Not only will it keep me accountable, but it will also be a resource for other moms who want creative ways of getting extra money for their own kids' futures. I have a few ideas of where to start, and hopefully this will grow into what I want it to accomplish.

To start, I'm gonna focus on what I can do best right now: READ and PHOTOGRAPH.

I love to read. I am a very avid reader usually reading over 100 or more books a year. I like to tell people about what I read, so I will be requesting books...indie books....ARC's (Advance Reader's Copies)...copies of new books.... from new and established  authors. I will read the book, review it, and then auction the book  on ebay....all the money going to my kids' college funds. Hopefully I'll get some autographed copies!! :) If that doesn't work (asking authors for books) I'll look for books to buy and review and sell from other sources. I am hopeful however, especially from indie authors, to be able to offer some awesome books for people to buy.

My other love is photography. Most of my work is still life/nature/scenic/ect. I've done some portrait and event work. So, I will be selling my photos and my skills. If you want a birthday party, family gathering, or other event photographed, I'm your girl. If you want a family portrait or photoshoot done, I'll be at your location ready to work. As I have no formal training, and consider myself an Advanced Amateur (not a pro...I don't make a living from my work) prices will reflect that accordingly. Whatever I make with my photography above my costs will go to my kids' college funds.  Gas ain't free you know! ;)

Who am I you ask? Well my name is Julie and I am a 33 year old stay at home mom of two great kids. My husband, my kids and I live in a small town between Atlanta and Athens that doesn't even have one traffic light. We are active in a great church. We have 2 cats, a siamese and a siamese mix. My son Corbin is 5 and bright as a whip, and my daughter Mogan is a month shy of 3 and is a firecracker. Corbin has been reading since he turned 4~ takes after me;) Morgan is spirited and saucy, such a handful at times. Both of my kids are sweet and loving and I know they are special kids. I would do anything for them to be able to provide them a good start to their lives.

After my reading and photo ideas, I plan on throwing other things on here. Maybe reviewing products and then offering them for resale, hosting contests to bring in readers, hand made crafts perhaps (I have a very deep desire to CREATE...I just haven't found out what my 'thing' is yet beyond my photos). Hopefully this will be a blog that people will love to follow. Thanks for reading, I'm out!